Our Achievements

Achievements Partner with MumzyCRF Open Letter - To Whom it may Concern Register with Mumzy

My Ask Today…

Please could you sponsor 1 child for the entire year.

It’s only: $246

      • Education: $10/year
      • School supplies: $55/year
      • School Uniform : $10
      • Sports Uniform: $5
      • Food .55/day = $150/ year
      • Medical $16/year

MumzyCRF Achievements up to 2024 – 2025

Who Mumzy is and what she accomplished up to 2025

Mumzy-AKA Albertine (Toutou) Scray is a philanthropist serving in Africa and USA. Founder of MumzyCRF, a 501c tax exempt nonprofit based in Illinois.

Mumzy CRF currently sponsors the annual education of over 3,500 children, has 40 teachers on her payroll and sponsors 17 schools and 9 orphanages, has brought filtering water projects and wells to many villages and has Solar Power for a community and more coming soon.

She brings a mobile hospital to the deep jungle with free treatment for the communities {2025 planned).
She also runs Mumzys African Coffee where all profits go to the poor.

Mumzy empowers children and communities in remote rural villages to lift themselves out of extreme poverty through education and sustainable projects like the best way to produce and sell local products such as Targeted agriculture, soap making, crafts, sustainable crops, sewing ..