Mumzys Children
Relief Foundation
We’re trying TO SEND 10,000 CHILDREN to School!
Tuition is $10/YEAR/CHILD.
Yet the majority cannot afford it.
Ongoing Campaigns
Give $10 Now, It’s Tuition For 1 Child For 1 Year!
Barrels Of Blessings
Please join us in filling barrels with Water Filters and Sanitary Pads. Check us on Youtube Video
Donate To Save Girls From Early Marriage And FGM
Focus Areas
Food & Nutrition
Worldwide, there are 400 million children living in extreme poverty which is the main reason kids lack enough food to eat.
Children Education
Quality Education is a basic human need for all children worldwide! Yet many don’t go to school for various reasons
Our Commitment
To Serve children & communities living in extreme poverty so that they can be provided with basic human needs.
To raise awareness and take action by working tirelessly until the 17 UN SDG are achieved in the world and especially in our communities.
We have proof that kids who have enough to eat perform better in school and in life than those who do not. They also have better health and best growth rates. Let’s End Child Poverty & Illiteracy!
Mumzy’s Founder
Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Albertine Scray, Aka Mumzy and I am the Founder and CEO of Mumzys Children Relief Foundation, an IL501(c) charitable organization committed to helping the poorest of the poor by fighting illiteracy, hunger and disease for children, both here in the USA and in Africa.
What Motivates Me:
I have chosen to follow this particular path and I am realizing my destiny. I believe that my life was arranged for me, a long time ago, but it’s not unfolding in the way I thought it would when I was 9 years old, right after taking my first communion, when I wanted to become a nun and joined the convent. But that hardly matters because in essence, in its form, I am following the same mission. To help the children, the homeless, the disabled, the sick, the elder, the poor.
I feel this need and get great satisfaction from helping people…
In Numbers
People already Helped: children, elderly & disabled (Mobile Hospital, Food, Education)
Total Tuition Already Paid For Students In Africa
School Benches Already Donated in Africa
Bags of rice & Boxes Of Food donated in Africa & USA since 2016
What’s Happening at Mumzy…
Give 2024 Christmas Charity Donations to Encourage the Needy
As the Christmas holiday season approaches, the world lights up with joy, laughter, and the warmth...
Partner with MumzyCRF to Give Every Child a Bright Future
Every child deserves the opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive. We need to give every child a...
Donate $10 to Alleviate Child Poverty and Illiteracy in Africa
Donate $10 for a good cause. Child poverty and illiteracy in Africa represent a deep-rooted...
Mumzy CRF’s Fight to End Child Poverty and Illiteracy
End child poverty and illiteracy is a guiding principle that fuels the Mumzy Children Relief...
Donate to Help Children in Africa
This is why you need to donate to help children in Africa. Nearly half of Africa’s children live...
Mobile Hospital in Cameroon: Urgent Medical Supplies Needed
Mumzy's initiative to introduce a mobile hospital in Cameroon is a commendable cause, offering...
You can’t find anyone more passionate about educating the children in her foundation! She is transforming lives by empowering these children to change their lives with the gift of knowledge. I am blessed to know her and inspired by her mission. It is not easy work but she is accomplishing AMAZING things!! I am very particular about the organizations I support and I am grateful to have the opportunity to support someone I know who is making a huge difference in so many lives.
5 étoiles
Je recommande vivement Mumzys Children Relief Foundation car c’est une association à bien des égards qui aide les enfants les plus démunis des contrées les plus reculées au Cameroun. Sa représentante Albertine Scray est une brave dame dotée d’une grande capacité d’empathie. Elle est très courageuse . L’association mérite qu’on s’y attarde pour constater tout le soutien qu’elle apporte aux pauvres populations.
Did You Know That:
- $10 Pays Tuition for one school year?
- $50 Feed 10 orphans for a week?
- $80 is the salary for a month for a teacher?
- $50 is enough to treat 3 people in our health campaign?
- $55 for school supplies/Child/Year
Join us in helping children who need it the most:
Yes to SDGs
- No Poverty & Hunger – Good Health
- Quality Education
- Gender Equality
- Clean Water & Sanitation
- Affordable Clean Energy
A Better World for Kids
114 E. Center St. Le Roy,
Illinois 61752
+1 (773) 459 0171
Mumzy Tax ID Number
EIN 82-3385647
IL 501(c)(3)
We’re Social
Let’s Engage
Hours: Mon – Fri: 9am – 6pm
WhatsApp: +237 694 308 246