
Our Initiatives, Projects, Goals and Struggles

My foundation serves CHILDREN & Communities Living In Extreme Poverty, In Africa (Cameroon & Kenya) & USA (Illinois) So That They Can Be Provided With Basic Human Needs.

We give relief to children living in poverty. Our most important goals are:

  1. Combat Poverty
  2. Zero Hunger (Nutritious food)
  3. Good Health & Wellness
  4. Quality Education
  5. Clean Water & Sanitation
  6. Affordable Energy
  7. End Child Marriages
  8. End Female Genital Mutilation
  9. Sustainable Projects With Communities.

We Help Children & Communities Living In Poverty In Illinois USA & In Extreme Poverty In Cameroon & Kenya (Africa) through:

We Help Children & Communities Living In Poverty In Illinois USA & In Extreme Poverty In Cameroon & Kenya (Africa) through:

  • EMPOWERMENT: Financial assistance, FOOD distribution
  • EDUCATION: Construction of SCHOOLS; Providing school supplies & TEACHERS.
  • Regular SUPPORT to the orphans, homeless, DISABLED, bed-ridden..
  • Organizing health campaigns with A MOBILE HOSPITAL to treat thousands of people for FREE.
  • MENTORING programs to help communities SELF-SUSTAIN through local AGRICULTURAL projects (ex. Mumzy’s Coffee)
    MumzyCRF owns 500+ ACRES OF LAND for farming & promoting the protection of FORESTS.

My Goals – Struggles 2021/2022

Last year we paid tuition for 989 children who wouldn’t have gone to school without our support. Our goal this year is to send 10,000 children. We currently have 3000 children

BTW: School is $10/child/year Yet only about 10% can afford it. 

We currently have 11 schools and 26 teachers. An average of 2 teachers per elementary. Each teacher teaches 3 grade levels in one classroom.

  • To add at least 1 teacher per school (teacher’s salary is $80/month)
  • To add at least 1 classroom per school (each school currently has only 2 classrooms) A furnished classroom is 8000/classroom.
  • To get enough school supplies for this year (books, backpacks, clothing..)
  • To get school benches so our children don’t take classes on the floor. The cost is ($40/school bench)
  • To help the communities with the group projects (self-sustainable)
  • To feed the orphans and organise programs to help them feed themselves $0.5/child.
  • To dig a pump-well in each school (each village access to clean water) the cost of a pump-well is 
  • To be able to bring the mobile hospital in February 2022 ($24,000 to treat 1500. People in one weekend – about $16/Patient)
  • To bring solar power in our villages (there’s no electricity) The cost is ($5,600/Solar system unit/Village)
  • To continue the construction of the very first school of Mang (1 classroom/year) The cost of a finished classroom is $8000. 
  • To expand our boarding schools and orphanages especially now that we have the Millie’s Scholarship program.

I need help to be able to raise enough money to send poor children to school this coming school year 2021/2022. To lend a hand, please click the button below.


Mumzy’s Coffee

Mumzy’s Coffee

Our coffee is unique and extremely high quality and comparable to the finest coffee available anywhere in  the world. The reason for this is that Cameroon has lots of volcanoes high altitude soil 

To help the  communities where I serve, To self sustain, I encourage the villagers to plant products such as coffee , cocoa, pistachio and plantain. 

I am buy it from the farmers at a good price and resell it in USA. All profit go to help the missions of the foundation.

Visiti Mumzys Coffee Website:

Millie’s Scholarships Mission

  • To rescue girls from early marriages and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM);
  • To pay-off cultural dowries fee to their families so that there’s little to zero chance for them to be sent to any man for marriage. 
  • To pay for their education so that they get a chance to dream and hope for an amazing future full of opportunities.
  • To welcome them into our boarding school ‘Safe Home’ so that the parents don’t see them anymore as an economic burden 
  • To counsel and empower them so that they become self confident & self sufficient leaders in society.
  • To protect them from rape, many sorts of violences and diseases like HIV/AIDS.
  • To give them their human rights including their freedom and give them a chance to enjoy their childhood, to grow up without trauma and to choose later if they want to be married or not. 


Initiatives Mumzy's Coffee Mumzy Children Foundation