Donate to Help Children in Africa

Donate to Help Children in Africa

This is why you need to donate to help children in Africa. Nearly half of Africa’s children live in extreme poverty, with about 50% in Sub-Saharan Africa surviving on less than $1.90 per day. This dire situation forces millions of children to endure hunger, sickness,...
Donate! Donate! Donate!

Donate! Donate! Donate!

Great News! 5 out of our 13 schools have gotten sponsored! All tuitions are paid for year 2023/24! We’re almost half way!! We only have 8 more schools to go… And 8 orphanages.. And school supplies, and… And… But this is great news! We’re sooo grateful! Let’s celebrate...

Education for Children

It is obvious and known that the more time children spend studying in schools, the better their chances of breaking the cycle of poverty and becoming productive young adults. Please donate to help us keep our life-changing programs running for accessible Education for...