To be able to continue reaching out to our indigenous communities in the remote villages in Cameroon, we need a pickup truck to drive through the jungle on dirt, muddy, slippery roads.
We lost our previous truck last year in an accident. Our Toyota was damaged (totaled) from falling off a bad tribal bridge into the river in the middle of the forest.
- 4 Wheel Drive
- Double Cabin
- Perfect Body Is NOT Necessary
- Luxury is NOT Necessary
- Good Engine & Transmission Necessary
- Great Tires Necessary
- Truck Needed ASAP
- Preferably TOYOTA
Please help us to find a USED 4WD Double Cabin. A strong & safe truck to take Mumzy through the jungle without getting stuck on slippery & muddy dirt roads of forest grounds.
NB: If you can donate a truck or if you’re selling one at a good price, please contact us ASAP!
Your Donations are TAX-EXEMPT as MumzyCRF is a 501c3!
The rental costs of a pickup truck in Cameroon start at $180/day considering that we spend at least 4 months per year on grounds the cost of transportation alone is $180 x $120= $21,600. With the same amount, we can secure our transportation for many years instead of only one year. And just imagine everything we can do for thousands of children with such a saving!
Please Donate using these Links and check on Ways to Help