MumzyCRF Health Campaign 2022

Written by Albertine Scray

February 11, 2022

A sick person is almost a helpless person. A sick person who is poor is a double challenge. How can anyone expect them to lift themselves out of poverty when they’re sick but no medical center or even a doctor in their community? How can a sick child grow or go to school? How do they bootstrap without boots?

Great News! Our Health Campaign 2022 started on February 4th, 2022!

  • 02/05/2022: Step 1/3 of our Mobile Hospital was a great success! We’ve been working nonstop for over 24 hours. We have about 30 health providers treating several hundreds of people (final report coming soon)
  • 02/08/2022: Health Care in Mang,
  • 02/09/2022: Health Care in Biyebe,
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Our plan was to reach at least 1500 people by the end of our Health Campaign 2022.

This mission gave me the opportunity to serve the most amazing people which makes me extremely grateful!
I’m making sure to capture images to share with you. We’re saving many lives and providing so much relief to populations living in extreme poverty & dying from easily treatable diseases. You’ll be proud to see our surgeons, dentists, ophthalmologists, psychologists, doctors at work.

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We’re saving many lives and providing so much relief to populations living in extreme poverty & dying from easily treatable diseases.

I just wanted to let everyone who follows MumzyCRF know that we’re doing our 2022 Health Campaign so successfully! It’s truly amazing.

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MumzyCRF Health Campaign Activities

Our Departure from the city, the trip, our arrival in the Village. Greetings with the villagers and deciding where to install the Mobile Hospital.
Part 1:

  • After sanitizing our hands we distributed the masks and shields.
  • I then explain the use of the mask and shield and how to wear them.
  • We then count the pills and repackage to appropriate doses.
  • Then we distribute the health notebooks to the patients. This notebooks will be used for consultations anytime the patients visit the doctors.

In the first hour of day one, we served about 300 people.

Mang Health Campaign

Part 2:

Getting Hundreds Of Villagers Ready For The Visits With Our Doctors & Specialists.

We need donations because we use a lot of medicines

Please check our lead physician, Dr Georges BWELLE (a CNN Top10 Hero) and send him your best support! He is our partner number ONE! Without his organization ASCOVIME, we wouldn’t be able to treat so many people. Their website is

MumzyCRF Humble Request

A sick person cannot be productive, let’s give them a chance to lift themselves out of poverty.

We Treat 1200-1500 people in ONE WEEKEND. We’re serving in remote rural villages living in extreme poverty with no medical center accessible. We provide relief and save lives. Everything is free to those we serve.

We count on DONATIONS to Be able to keep going. If you too, you hope and dream of a better world, Click here to support:

Thank you so much to each and every single one of our donors for your kindness and support ❤️🙏

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